Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our Son, Daniel

I love amazing stories that shake you inside, even the ones that make you cry (sometimes especially). They're...renewing. i think.

I have a friend named Daniel Kanyaruhuru. If you're stumbling over his last name, take it slowly. It's phonetic. I met Daniel my freshman year of high school, which was also his first year at my school, and even here in the states, and even in this hemisphere, though he was in my older sister's grade. Daniel had come to us through much adversity, through much heartbreak, and really through Hell. My cross country coach, who has a big heart and learned of these young African boys being brought here through a relief effort, sought them out and asked them to come be apart of our team family. Daniel ended up trashing us all, and leaving the state competition in his dust.

My best friend from high school, Miss Chelsea Fiske, put together a documentary for a school project and shares Daniel's story.

Our Son, Daniel from Chelsea Fiske on Vimeo.

All of us who have been with him from the start are crossing our fingers and holding our breath. And, if you happen to catch the distance races and see him on your TV, cheer extra loud.


Jake said...

When will we see him run?

Julia said...

oh wow...touching! i love looking at your blog and your pictures! its friday tomorrow. have a lovely weekend!

Stephanie said...

Loved the post. Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to watch for him (running).

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Devin & Ruthann said...

He is amazing. I can't believe things like that are happening in the world. We live here and are so blessed.

Ann Marie said...

oh my! this is so wonderful. thank you for sharing this amazing story!

Amanda aka "Mandy Mandi Mandie Mandee Mannie etc" said...

Is this what Chelsey has been up to? That was wonderful!