Saturday, September 8, 2007

I'm the kind of girl that can't remember what kind of razor she has, so ends up buying a new one every time the refills run out.

I'm also the kind of girl that can't remember to not leave her deodorant in the car, so she goes through one a week.

I'm also the kind of girl that is updating at 10:20 on a Saturday night because her entire day has been devoted to doing a group project in which she does all the work. And yes, I'm also the kind of stupid girl that is okay with doing all the work because she'd rather have it done right than risk relying on the ignorance and general listlessness of her group members.


The Vernon Mackeys said...

You're the kind of girl that is amazing in what she chooses to do. And I'm the kind of girl who stays up until 3 am working on homework while watching movies. Go Shirley!!!

David Mackey said...

So why the name "The Solar Complex"? Just curious!

Jake said...

Are you ever going to update this?

Mary Ann & Joe Mackey said...

I think you should post pictures of your wounds from running! If there is one thing I've learned about Shirley after having her live with us, it is that when she goes for a simple run out on a trail or mountain, it is actually dangerous and I fear for her safety. She comes back nearly every time and shows me scrapes, bruises and blood from her falling down. Shirley, its no wonder you keep in such great shape, your body uses up so much energy repairing itself. Who would have thought! The best part is that you always just laugh it off and are almost proud of you war wounds from tripping over rocks!! We love having you here!