Thank you, thank you. Really, what an honor. I am overcome.
(Hand up)
I know I could not have gotten here alone. There are so many that I owe so much to in this.
First, Trusty Toaster: I know I would not be here if not for you. I express my deepest gratitude.
There are still many more that have accompanied me down this path.
Netflix, Hulu – you two have facilitated me most in this effort, and I know we’ll never forget all of the long days and late nights.
Choking Hazards, Sharp Objects, how many times have we, together, worked toward this goal? Too many to count.
Of course, Audio Books, I can’t leave you out. I know ours is a recent partnership, but one I hope to see continue on for a very long time as we commit to continue in this crusade.
Again, I want to thank all of you for this tribute, and finish off with my recognition of you, Trey: I couldn’t have done it without you!